
Create document with relation user_unauthorized

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  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
  • Web
21 Apr, 2024, 12:47

I can't create a document with relations. If I delete my relations before the createDocument() function, my document is created. But it doesn't work with realtions.

In the appwrite console, I've created an api key with all the permissions.

response: {
    message: 'The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.',
    code: 401,
    type: 'user_unauthorized',
    version: '1.5.4'

Thank you for your help

Developers having issues creating a document with relations despite deleting relations before using createDocument(). They have an API key with all permissions. Solution: The error message indicates user authorization issues with the API key. Double-check the permissions settings and ensure they have the necessary permissions to perform the action.

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