
Error about non-existent attribute

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  • Databases
  • Web
20 Apr, 2024, 19:44

Hello. I'm getting error below when trying to create a new document. I don't remember creating attribute "author", but it fits in the context of what I am doing. So it's possible that I added and then removed this attribute. Either way, it shouldn't exist by now, it doesn't show up in console as well. I attached the screenshots of console, error & my code.

Error: Invalid document structure: Missing required attribute "author"

My code:

await databases.createDocument("bible-assistant-db", "jwchat-threads", ID.unique(), {
      chatName: message,
      messages: [{
        role: "USER",
        content: [
            type: "TEXT",
            text: message,
 any) => {
            return {
              type: "IMAGE",
              media_type: image.media_type,
      isBusy: true
    }, [$id))]);
Developers are receiving an error about a non-existent attribute "author" when trying to create a new document. Although the attribute isn't in the code or console, it may have been added and removed. The error persists.

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