
manually executing a function

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  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
17 Apr, 2024, 07:21

nothing happens when i click on the domain it generated, but the cloud generated domain always runs the function mine doesn't do like that, should i change any settings in my env for the manual domain to work as it intended?

Autogenerated function is verified even though it doesn't exist due to missing DNS records for the domain ``. Check if the environment variable `_APP_EXECUTOR_HOST` is correctly set. Verify if DNS is properly set up for the domain. No new execution occurs and clicking the link always results in a 404 error.
18 Apr, 2024, 07:11

Nothing happens at all?

18 Apr, 2024, 07:13

like in the execution nope no new execution and i check the network in the domain i clicked it's always 404.

18 Apr, 2024, 07:13

So to be clear, when you click on the link it opens a new page with what on it?

18 Apr, 2024, 07:30
18 Apr, 2024, 07:32

And you have DNS set up for that domain?

18 Apr, 2024, 07:33

yeah im positive in that, but should i change any of the env specially the _APP_EXECUTOR_HOST cause i writed appwrite-executer/v1 inside it.

18 Apr, 2024, 07:37

So I just looked it up, and there are no DNS records set for

18 Apr, 2024, 07:56

weird but why was it verfiefed if it doen't exist?

18 Apr, 2024, 08:01

Autogenerated Function domains just say verified for some reason


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