
AppStore Review Team can not connect to Appwrite Cloud

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Apple
  • Cloud
12 Apr, 2024, 11:42

Hey everybody! I am experiencing something very weird?! issue since 14 days. I have been trying for 14 days to release my flutter app to the AppStore. I am now up to submission Nr. 10. On Android everything works fine, but on iOS my app won't just load any data. The app just shows no data at all. On my local machine and non several test devices everything works fine but the App Store Review Team can not receive any data whatsoever. They can start the app normally but can not receive any data. For the actual code pls see the .md file attached.

Does anybody have a clue on how to reproduce the issue on my local device (that i just receive no data) or why cant the device on the App Store Review Team’s side just not connect to the Appwrite Cloud Server? Or even better, how to address this issue properly? I really appreciate any input since I have been stuck on this issue for 2 weeks now 😄

Developers are having trouble connecting their Flutter app to the AppStore on iOS due to data loading issues. The app works on local and test devices but not when reviewed by App Store team. Solution is to check for any connection or data loading issues with Appwrite Cloud server.

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