
When I tried to write a equal query it gives me an exceptionHere is the snippet:

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10 Apr, 2024, 11:30

const response = await databases.listDocuments( DATABASEID, COLLECTIONID_MESSAGES, [ Query.equal('from_user',user.$id), ] );

expected: I should recive some documents but it is not happening recieved : Uncaught (in promise) AppwriteException: Invalid query: {"method":"equal","attribute":"from_user","values":["6615616bc019b68f002b"]}

My current version : appwrite 13.0.2 mac OS #🗂│support

Developers are encountering an exception when writing an equal query using the Appwrite SDK. The error message suggests an issue with the query syntax. Check the documentation for the correct format. This issue might be related to a known problem with the Appwrite framework, indicated in a GitHub thread. Make sure to verify the Appwrite version being used.
10 Apr, 2024, 11:49

Appwrite Cloud or Self Hosted?

10 Apr, 2024, 11:50

Assuming this is the same as this thread -


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