
Unable to create an account using the session object in SSR component

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9 Apr, 2024, 18:56

I have the following server action that I am calling in order to login

export async function loginUser(prevState, formData) {

    try {
        const account = await createAdminClient();
        const session = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(formData.get("email"), formData.get("password"));

        cookies().set('session', session.secret, {
            httpOnly: true,
            secure: false,
            sameSite: "strict",
            maxAge: new Date(session.expire),
            path: "/"

    } catch(error) {
        return {
            message: error.message



I also have the following function that I need to implement to logout, however, I need to first get the account to delete the session. I am using the next/headers to grab cookies, and then retrieve the session object from there. That part works as expected. However, when I try to call acc.get() I get general_unauthorized_scope as the error, could someone take a look and tell me what I could be doing wrong?

export async function logoutUser(prevState, formData) {

    try {
        const session = cookies().get("session");
        if (session) {
            const acc = await getAccountFromSession(session);
            acc.get().then(function (response) {

    } catch(error) {
        return {
            message: error.message

getAccountFromSession(session) btw

const getAccountFromSession = async (session) => {
    const client =  new Client()
    .setSelfSigned(true) // TODO - Set this to false once deployed with an actual ssl certificate

    if (session) {

    return new Account(client);
Issue: Unable to retrieve session object in SSR component when attempting to logout due to 'general_unauthorized_scope' error. Solution: Make sure to properly set the session when calling `getAccountFromSession(session)` so that it includes the secret and the session object can be retrieved successfully. Note: Check that the permissions and scopes are properly set up for accessing the session object during logout.

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