
Using `queries` in REST request results in `Invalid query: Syntax error`

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  • Self Hosted
David Koontz
5 Apr, 2024, 20:45

Self hosted on version 1.5.4 Using Postman I am attempting to query a very simple collection that only has 1 field name, when I do not include the queries param I see the 4 entries in the collection, when I add a simple queries param such as queries[]=limit(1) or queries[]=select("name"). This collection does not have any relations.

URL that works: http://localhost/v1/databases/660f6fad002495466911/collections/organizations/documents

URL that fails: http://localhost/v1/databases/660f6fad002495466911/collections/organizations/documents?queries[]=limit(1)

I have seen examples from other people who have posted their REST requests and it looks like this should work so I feel like I'm missing something very basic.

Developers are experiencing issues using the `queries` param in their REST requests, resulting in an "Invalid query: Syntax error" when trying to filter a collection. The problem seems to arise even with simple queries like `queries[]=limit(1)` or `queries[]=select("name")`. Some developers have had success querying collections without the `queries` param.

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