
Creating children document nesting with pre-existing parent document

  • 0
  • Databases
4 Apr, 2024, 15:12

My database has a parent collection that relates to a lot of child collections, the parent has a pre existing document created, and i want to create the child document, linking the child to the parent, is it possible to just do something like

let response_data = {
        "child_attr": "child_data"

      const resp = await databases.updateDocument(

i tried doing it this way, and it never returned an error, but also never went to the rest of my function, so it returned:

Return statement missing. return context.res.empty() if no response is expected.
Developers want to create a child document linked to a pre-existing parent document. The code provided updates the parent document instead of creating a new child document. To create a child document, a new method specifically for that is needed.

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