so that problem is solved for now

only the deleting take a long time

If this is from messaging API, it's not available in cloud yet

Also, if the deleting attribute is still stuck after some hours, tell me and send your project ID so the team takes a look into it

ow no its not from an api

Now i created another attribute and its still processing. The deleting attribute is now deleted

but the processing is stuck now


Hmmm weird. Seems a database is a bit busy so the attribute creation is slow...

yeah i guess so

Does refreshing the page works?

Or it's still processing even after that?

Nop also not if i re login

i can look if this one is already set as attribute, but i think not

nop now it says Invalid document structure: Unknown attribute: "readed"

this is my project ID

now it have no processing
, but stil the error: Invalid document structure: Unknown attribute: "readed"

it seems its really slow

export async function createNotification(
type: string,
user: string,
message: string,
from: string,
readed: boolean,
) {
try {
const createNotification = await databases.createDocument(
type: type,
user: user,
message: message,
from: from,
readed: readed
if(!createNotification) throw Error;
return createNotification;
} catch (error) {
This is the api part

i think i give up for today.. Still not working lol

I am experiencing a similar issue. AppwriteException: Invalid document structure: Unknown attribute:
on a string array. Both from my app and in the cloud database dashboard. I get the error whether I add array of values or try to create the item with empty array. Also when trying to delete an array attribute added today it stays stuck on 'deleting' status.

I think there is some bug/error on the appwrite. So i leave it for now. Hope it works tommorow again

Goodnight peeps and hope someone can fix it soon

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