
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool'

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Auth
  • Flutter
28 Mar, 2024, 09:42

My English is not very good, please forgive me

When I use this function "account.get()" and "account.create()", they both remind me like this: type "Null" is not a subtype of type "bool". But strangely enough, I did manage to create a new account.

Here is my sign code: // 注册方法 signUp(String userId, String email, String password, String name, Function onSuccess) { _account .create(userId: userId, email: email, password: password, name: name) .then((value) => onSuccess(value), onError: (error) { print("注册失败:${error}"); }); }

Here is my get code: Future<User> getUser(){ return _account.get(); }

// i use it in getx's init function Future<void> onInit() async { super.onInit(); appWriteManager.getUser().then((value) { print("user:${value}"); },onError: (error){ print("get user 出错:${error}"); }); }

this is error message: I/flutter ( 8300): get user 出错:type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool' E/libEGL ( 8300): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API E/libEGL ( 8300): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API I/art ( 8300): Do partial code cache collection, code=17KB, data=31KB I/art ( 8300): After code cache collection, code=17KB, data=31KB I/art ( 8300): Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB E/libEGL ( 8300): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API I/flutter ( 8300): 注册失败:type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool' I/flutter ( 8300): 注册失败:AppwriteException: user_already_exists, A user with the same id, email, or phone already exists in this project. (409)

Developers are encountering the error "type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool'". They're advised to check Appwrite and SDK versions for compatibility. In code, calling account.get() and account.create() prompt the same error, yet account creation succeeds. The issue may lie in the SDK or logic.提示升级或降级SDK版本以确保兼容性。
29 Mar, 2024, 02:00

Can anyone help me answer this question?

29 Mar, 2024, 12:26

Need to create session before calling get() function.

(创建成功后,还需要按登录的流程去创建session,才能使用 get() )

29 Mar, 2024, 12:29

My TypeScript code eg:

30 Mar, 2024, 16:39

Double check your SDK version is compatible with your Appwrite version

30 Mar, 2024, 17:44

use node_sdk v11.1.0

1 Apr, 2024, 09:11

Thank you so much,I just changed my appwrite version to ^11.0.1, but why?

1 Apr, 2024, 09:12

Thank you so much,I also modified this part of the logic

1 Apr, 2024, 15:56

what version of Appwrite are you using (you can check at the bottom right of the Appwrite Console)?


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