
need help with my dapp front-end vercel

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27 Mar, 2024, 14:17

Works fine on local host but showing a white page for vercel

Developers need help with their DApp front-end deployment on Vercel. They are facing a 404 error because the project structure is not set correctly. The root on Vercel should be set to the correct directory ('/client'). They are advised to check the project logs on the Vercel dashboard for any potential errors. Make sure environment variables are set up correctly on Vercel. The project works fine on localhost but shows a white page on Vercel.
27 Mar, 2024, 14:18

Are you getting any errors?

27 Mar, 2024, 14:19

Vercel should have logs they save in the vercel dashboard

27 Mar, 2024, 14:19

No 404 errors in terminal no errors at all

27 Mar, 2024, 14:23

have you setup your environment variables correctly in vercel?

27 Mar, 2024, 14:24

I'm not talking about terminal, I believe vercel stops console logs from displaying in "production", but in the vercel dashboard in your project at the top of the page there is a logs tab, is there anything there?

27 Mar, 2024, 14:24

I mean, 404 means the page is not found, are you sure it has anything to do with appwrite?

27 Mar, 2024, 14:32

Yes I checked all those nothing I check those logs first

27 Mar, 2024, 14:34

I think it's pointing to the wrong dir. My root on vercel is “/.” but the src is under my client folder

27 Mar, 2024, 14:36

Sure if you've got a Client folder and all your nextjs app is in the client folder then you'll need to tell vercel that

27 Mar, 2024, 14:55

I will try when I get back to my laptop thanks


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