
appwrite query isnt working properly am facing this problem

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
26 Mar, 2024, 07:39

{ "message": "Invalid query: {method:equal,attribute:accountId,values:[660277c0b25c8e105e95]}", "code": 400, "type": "general_query_invalid", "version": "0.12.128" } this is my code export async function getCurrentUser() { try { const currentAccount = await getActiveSession();

if (!currentAccount) throw new Error("error getting currentAccount");

console.log(currentAccount, currentAccount.$id);
const currentUser = await database.listDocuments(Databaseid, userid, [
  Query.equal("accountId", currentAccount.$id),


if (!currentUser) throw new Error("error getting  current user");

return currentUser.documents[0];

} catch (err) { console.log(err); } }

Appwrite query not functioning due to an invalid query error. The code is attempting to retrieve a user based on their accountId, but the query structure is incorrect. The error message "Invalid query" with code 400 is appearing. To solve this, modify the query structure to be valid and ensure it matches the database structure.

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