
Can I upload my livekit recorded in appwrite storage

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  • Storage
  • Cloud
Mosh Ontong
23 Mar, 2024, 14:08

They have this called some EGRESS, and I am curious if the Appwrite storage is a S3-compatible storage provider, and can I use the appwrite storage to upload my livekit recorded? THis is the documentation link from livekit

Developers are wondering how to use Appwrite storage to upload their livekit recordings. They need access key, secret, bucket, and endpoints info. Yes, Appwrite Storage Adapter is S3 compatible. Solution: Check the documentation link for more details:
23 Mar, 2024, 14:19

Appwrite Storage Adapter is indeed S3 compatible.

Mosh Ontong
23 Mar, 2024, 14:28

how can I get the information that required:

const fileOutput = new EncodedFileOutput({
    fileType:  EncodedFileType.MP4,
    filepath: 'livekit-demo/room-composite-test.mp4',
    output: {
        case: 's3',
        value: new S3Upload({
            accessKey: 'aws-access-key',
            secret:    'aws-access-secret',
            bucket:    'my-bucket',
            endpoint:  'https://my.s3.endpoint',
Mosh Ontong
23 Mar, 2024, 14:28

The access key, secret, bucket and endpoints or region parameters


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