
Deploy Function Github Repository folder structure

  • 1
  • Cloud
22 Mar, 2024, 01:34

Hello, I am trying to deploy functions through github. I am all set with the github configuration. I have some questions about the folder structure. Can I put all functions in one repository? If so, under which folder structure would appwrite be able to import?

Developers can put all functions in one repository. Each function has a setting for the location in the repository. Just keep in mind that if you update the repository, a deployment will be created for every function.
22 Mar, 2024, 01:46

Sure, you can put all your functions in one repo. Each function has a setting for where in the repo your function is.

One thing to keep in mind if you put them all in one repo is when there's an update to that repo, a deployment will be created for every function


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