
Trying to query by equals throws general_query_invalid exception

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  • Flutter
  • Cloud
21 Mar, 2024, 10:45

I'm trying to query my collection filtered by a contactId. This contact id references ids of items in another collection. By the documentation something like this:

var documents = _databases.listDocuments(
        databaseId: constants.databaseId,
        collectionId: constants.CollectionIds.feedEntries,
        queries: [Query.equal("contactId", contactId)]);

Should do the job fine, as the contactId attribute exists on the feedEntries collection and contactId is a String provided from other parts of the app.

But the code above throws this:

AppwriteException (AppwriteException: general_query_invalid, Invalid query: {"method":"equal","attribute":"contactId","values":["65fbf2e930f439e4eef7"]} (400))

What am I missing?

Issue: Attempting to query by equal method results in a general_query_invalid exception. Solution: Check the data type of the 'contactId' attribute. Ensure the contactId is a string data type in both the code and the database.

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