I'm trying to forward an image in storage via email as an attachment, but either the email is not sent (Response returns The attachment content must be base64)
if I put data:$mimeType;base64,
before the $image
or it's sent, but the attachment is unviewable, either in preview mode, or after downloading it (it has the wrong size too).
Here's my code (I'm using purely REST API at this point)
Future _testEmail()async {
String path = "storage/buckets/$bucketId/files/$docId/preview";
var response = await _httpService.get(path);
if (response?.statusCode == 200 && response?.data != null) {
// grab data as Uint8List
image = const Utf8Encoder().convert(response?.data);
// encode to base64 for attaching
final img = base64Encode(image);
//get Mime Type
final type = response?.headers.value("Content-Type");
_sendEmail($firstName, $lastName, $recipient, img, type!);
} else {
void _sendEmail(String firstName, String lastName, String recipient,
String image, String mimeType) async {
const path = "send";
final ext = mimeType.split("/")[1];
String fileName = (ext == 'png') ? "$name.png" : "$name.jpg";
final data = {
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"name": "Email Recipient",
"email": recipient
"from": {"email": "sender@gmail.com"},
"subject": "Test Email with Attachment",
"content": [
"type": "text/html",
"Sample email with attachment from $fname $lname."
"attachments": [
"content": "data:$mimeType;base64,$image", // generates the attachment must be base64
// "content": image, // email is sent, but wrong size & unusable
"filename": fileName,
"type": mimeType
final response = await _httpEmail.post(path, data); // sending email via REST API
if (response?.statusCode == 202 && response?.data != null) {
print("Email sent!");
} else {
print("Status Code: ${response?.statusCode.toString()}");
print("Response Data: ${response?.data.toString()}");
Any insight is highly appreciated.
This might be highly dependent on whatever you're using to send the email
Maybe in the data, you need a space after the comma?
For emails with attachments, I'm using Sendgrid
Will try... 😄
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