
Getting error while using Query.equal()

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Flemoid (Saksham)
13 Mar, 2024, 21:54

The code snippet is:

export async function getCurrentUser() {
  try {
    const currentAccount = await account.get();

    if(!currentAccount) throw Error;

    const currentUser = await databases.listDocuments(
      [Query.equal('accountId', currentAccount.$id)]

    if(!currentUser) throw Error;

    return currentUser.documents[0];
  } catch (error) {

If I remove Query, it is not showing error. With Query, it gives error.

Need Help!!

Issue: Error encountered while using Query.equal() in the getCurrentUser function. Solution: Update the code snippet as follows: ```javascript import { Query } from 'appwrite'; export async function getCurrentUser() { try { const currentAccount = await account.get(); if (!currentAccount) throw Error; const currentUser = await databases.listDocuments( appwriteConfig.databaseId, appwriteConfig.userCollectionId, [new Query().equal('accountId', currentAccount.$id)] ); if (!currentUser) throw Error; return currentUser.documents[0]; } catch (error) { console

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