
Need some help with Relationship Collection

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13 Mar, 2024, 16:24

Hi there! I need some guidance to create the DB based on the JSON shown in the attachment.

I have create the DB "VIT_DB",

Collections: TOURS_BANGKOK" "LANGUAGES" which old and array o strings "ITINERARY_STEPS" which is an array of object

If I understand I have to create a new attribute Relationship inside the TOURS_BANGKOK for both of collection LANGUAGES and ITINERARY_STEPS, correct?

I kindly ask anybody here to help me. I am not really good with the Backend at all.

Developer needs help creating a DB based on JSON attachment. They have "VIT_DB" with collections "TOURS_BANGKOK", "LANGUAGES" (array of strings), and "ITINERARY_STEPS" (array of objects). They need to add a new attribute "Relationship" in "TOURS_BANGKOK" for both "LANGUAGES" and "ITINERARY_STEPS".

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