
Change traefik port

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Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:27

Hi, I currently have Appwrite running on the default port 443. However, now I want to expose NPM on port 443, which will forward traffic to the Appwrite Traefik. Is it okay to change the port in the Appwrite docker-compose file from port 443 to another port, or will the upgrade script change the Traefik port back to 443? Or do I need to reinstall Appwrite entirely and define the port on which I want to have Appwrite currently during the installation?

Developers are discussing changing the port for Traefik in an Appwrite docker-compose file. One developer mentions that changing ports should be fine, but another warns that an upgrade using docker pull may override the tweaks. They suggest checking the docker-compose.yml and using environment variables to define the port. Additionally, a guide for running Appwrite behind Nginx is shared. Ultimately, it seems changing the port is possible, but developers should be cautious of upgrades potentially undoing their changes.
8 Mar, 2024, 14:32

I think changing the env var should do the job

Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:37

Uh, i looked and tried to find it in .env, but haven't find any variable which defines port 443

8 Mar, 2024, 14:38

check docker-compose.yml

8 Mar, 2024, 14:38
Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:39

Yeah I'm following this guide, but right in the first step Steven mentions installing appwrite using non-standard ports.

Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:41

Yes, i can edit ports in docker-compose.yml, but according to my knowledge, the upgrade script would remove the tewaks i did.

8 Mar, 2024, 14:47

Upgrade doesn't change your ports though. Infact, any upgrade using docker pull will override your misc. tweaks in appwrite if I am not wrong.

Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:54

So i can change this piece of configuration:

      - --entrypoints.appwrite_web.address=:80
      - --entrypoints.appwrite_websecure.address=:443
      - 80:80
      - 443:443

To this configuration?

      - --entrypoints.appwrite_web.address=:80
      - --entrypoints.appwrite_websecure.address=:443
      - 8080:80
      - 8443:443
8 Mar, 2024, 14:57

that should work. if there's nginx involved, there might be additional steps for forwarding. Its been a while since I've touched any nginx conf. so the memory is hazzy.

Bohda Řehák
8 Mar, 2024, 14:59

Ok, thank you for your help! Could you also elaborate a bit more on what does appwrite upgrade script change/remove or is there a link i could read about this topic?


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