
Param "fileId" is not optional When trying to create/upload a image

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  • Self Hosted
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  • Storage
7 Mar, 2024, 03:28

Hello again, following the docs ( using http im unable to upload/create a file, i got this error: {"message":"Param \"fileId\" is not optional.","code":400,"type":"general_argument_invalid","version":"1.4.13"} this is what im trying to construct:

    // Set the required headers
    data.headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=cec8e8123c05ba25',
        'X-Appwrite-Project': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    // Build the form data
    var formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('operations', JSON.stringify({
        query: "mutation CreateFile($bucketId: String!, $fileId: String!, $file: InputFile!) { storageCreateFile(bucketId: $bucketId, fileId: $fileId, file: $file) { id } }",
        variables: {
            bucketId: "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
            fileId: "unique()",
            file: null
    formData.append('map', { "0": ["variables.file"] });
    formData.append('0', data.files[0]);
    // Set the form data in the request
    data.formData = formData;

what im missing?
i already tried to set a `fileId` manually but same error occurs
Developers are encountering an error stating "Param 'fileId' is not optional" when trying to upload/create a file using Appwrite's storage feature. The issue likely stems from the missing 'fileId' parameter in the request payload. To resolve this, ensure the 'fileId' is included in the request body along with the other required parameters.

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