
two way relationship question

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  • Databases
  • Web
5 Mar, 2024, 15:03

When I create a two way relationship and select for example one to many ( eg. one survey -> many questions), in the related collection it is created also as one to many (one question -> many surveys).. is this as expected ?

Developers are discussing the possibility of creating a "child" document in one collection and automatically updating a "parent" document in another collection to establish a two-way relationship. It seems like a possible typo in the documentation as the experience indicates it should work as expected. The structure of the relationship should reflect one-to-many in both collections.
5 Mar, 2024, 15:07

If it's two way then both collections will have a relationship to each other

5 Mar, 2024, 15:07

I think if you did a one to many, the other collection would actually be a many to one, unlike what you have above.

5 Mar, 2024, 15:13

I would have expected that but it looks like this

5 Mar, 2024, 15:28

huh, yea, I can see that in my own project too. Wonder if that's just a typo mistake? I believe it works as you would expect. At least that's my experience.

5 Mar, 2024, 15:43

Thank you, maybe that's the case, and it' just a typo

5 Mar, 2024, 15:46

In this case, would it be possible to create a "child" document in the questions collection and automatically update an existing "parent" document in the surveys collection ? The documentation only shows the other way around

5 Mar, 2024, 15:58

If it's two way I think you can do

databases.createDocument('[DATABASE_ID]', 'Survey', '[DOCUMENT_ID]', {
  questions: [...questions]


databases.createDocument('[DATABASE_ID]', 'Question', '[DOCUMENT_ID]', {
  survey: survey

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