
get number of views

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Realtime
  • Cloud
4 Mar, 2024, 08:42

Hey guys, I just build a social app where users can post videos, share image and text, users can like, share and comment on post, but I want a situation to show the numbers of view on a post.

Please how do I achieve this?

Developers are discussing the best way to track views on a post without inflating the count due to duplicity. Options include adding an array attribute in the post document or creating a relation with a separate collection. Managing a growing array size might become challenging. Solution: Consider creating a separate collection for views, ensuring accurate tracking without duplicates.
4 Mar, 2024, 09:00

Everytime the post comes in to view, check if the currenr user has already "seen" it. If not, add a new item. Incrementing count on every seen would inflate the view count exponentially due to duplicity.

Maybe add an array attribute in the same post document, or create a relation with a collection or a complete separate collection for the same.

An array based attribute could get harder to manage though if the size grows substantially.


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