
[SOLVED] Can't Access Data in the response payload when Function is trigger

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  • Flutter
  • Cloud
29 Feb, 2024, 01:52

i want to access some data when a user create a document and also when a user delete a document

when I log out this output log({"eventTriggered": JSON.stringify(req.body)}); i get the following


so now when i try to access the individual object let says postType it log out empty as though nothing is inside,

so i decided to use JSON.parse(req.body) i got the following errors

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at Module.default (file:///usr/local/server/src/function/src/main.js:24:28)
    at execute (/usr/local/server/src/server.js:141:48)
    at async /usr/local/server/src/server.js:158:13```

Please, what i'm i doing wrong??
Data access issue in response payload when triggering a function. Developer swapped `JSON.stringify(req.body)` for `JSON.parse(req.bodyRaw)` to fix the problem of accessing data.
29 Feb, 2024, 01:54

How are you trying to access the data?

29 Feb, 2024, 01:58

i have resolved it i change the JSON.stringify(req.body) to JSON.parse(req.bodyRaw) and it fixed it

29 Feb, 2024, 01:59

[SOLVED] Can't Access Data in the response payload when Function is trigger


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