
[Error] Message: Signing key cannot be empty

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  • Self Hosted
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28 Feb, 2024, 17:13

Hi, I want to connect my GitHub application with my self-hosted Appwrite instance. After redirecting from Github OAuth installation page to the callback URL, I receive a JSON with an following error. {"message":"Server Error","code":500,"type":"general_unknown","version":"1.4.13"}

In the Docker logs, the following error appears:

2024-02-28T17:04:34.702348307Z [Error] Method: GET
2024-02-28T17:04:34.702354017Z [Error] URL: /v1/vcs/github/callback
2024-02-28T17:04:34.702358746Z [Error] Type: Ahc\Jwt\JWTException
2024-02-28T17:04:34.702362743Z [Error] Message: Signing key cannot be empty
2024-02-28T17:04:34.702366290Z [Error] File: /usr/src/code/vendor/adhocore/jwt/src/ValidatesJWT.php
2024-02-28T17:04:34.702369906Z [Error] Line: 34```

After some research, I filled in the environment variable `_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1` with a randomly generated string, but the issue still persists.
Maybe `_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1` should be in the exact format but I don't find any information in documentation about this.
Message: Developers facing error "Signing key cannot be empty" connecting GitHub app with self-hosted Appwrite instance. JSON error code 500, Docker logs show JWTException. Solution: Fill `_APP_OPENSSL_KEY_V1` with correct format, documentation lacks details.

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