
Relationship not working?

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Functions
28 Feb, 2024, 15:47

I have 2 collections in my console : articles and feed_sources.

I have a dart function running where the general flow of the code is as follow :

  • get the documents from feed_sources
  • parse their link attribute to get RSS articles
  • send each articles in the articles collection where each article have a relationship attribute "feedSource" to the feed_source document that was treated to get said article.

The issue: The issue is that my relationship is always null.

  • In the first picture is the attribute section of an article document, the relevant part is the relationship with feed_sources collection with feedSource as the key.
  • In the second picture is an example of the JSON data that is being feeded in the data parameter when creating a document from the function, I believe it is in the same format as in the documentation for creating relationships through references but maybe there's something wrong that I don't see?
  • On the third screenshot, every attributes are correctly set on each created documents except for the relationship attribute witht the key "feedSource" which is N/A null on each of the documents.

Currently, there is only a single document in the feed_sources collection, the id of this source document in the feed_sources collection is directly provided in code to the article by the $id parameter of said document, and I also have verified it manually and can confirm the id in the json output is the correct one: id of the single document in feed_sources, not the id of feed_sources.

I would like some lead as to why this isn't working from someone more experienced with Appwrite as I have as of now, just a few days of experience with it, thanks.

- Developer has two collections: articles and feed_sources - Dart function gets documents from feed_sources, parses links for RSS articles, and saves in articles collection - Issue: relationship attribute 'feedSource' is always null - Screenshots show relationship key, JSON data, and 'N/A' for relationship attribute - Single document in feed_sources, correct id used in code - Seeking help to understand why relationship isn't working Solution: JSON data may not be correctly formatted. Check if 'feedSource' key matches document id in feed_sources collection.

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