
appwrite with ngrok and SSL

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27 Feb, 2024, 12:13

I'm trying to configure appwrite with SSL handled by ngrok and use oauth2

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, my url includes ssl, but not the request. Looking the code seems like the problem is here:

shouldn't getProtocol be https in my case?

I'm will try to explain more about my flow, first considerate:

  1. The login page uses createOAuth2Session, the request to appwrite is:
  2. appwrite make a request to github, but in redirect_uri there isn't https (as shown in the image)

and as the redirect_uri doesn't match, I got an error The redirect_uri MUST match the registered callback URL for this application

Developers are trying to configure appwrite with ngrok and SSL for OAuth2 but facing an issue where the request URL does not include HTTPS. The issue might stem from a specific code GitHub file. The flow involves appwrite running on ngrok with SSL, while the frontend is on localhost making requests to the ngrok domain. When using the login page and `redirect_uri` to GitHub, there's no HTTPS causing an error. To resolve, ensure the `redirect_uri` in the request matches the registered callback URL for the application.

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