
401 error in accounts.get() method

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  • Auth
  • Web
24 Feb, 2024, 12:21

practicing the you tube video chai aur react series and encountered this error of unauthorization white getting the current account and I have make no mistake in syntax but I don't understand about this error checked all the imports and paths in to my react project all are correct but the result is an error

Developers encountered a 401 error in the `accounts.get()` method because the user was not authenticated. To resolve this, developers need to ensure the user is authenticated by calling `createEmailSession` with user credentials before accessing `account.get()`. The error is expected if no session exists.
24 Feb, 2024, 18:36

Yes, the error is expected if you don't have a session

Ankush Maurya
20 Mar, 2024, 08:50

How to solve this? I'm stuck here

20 Mar, 2024, 17:58

There's nothing to solve getting that error simply means the user is not authenticated. When a user input their credentials during login, for example using email + password, you'd call the createEmailSession passing the credentials as arguments to create a session. Then return await this.acount.get(); will not throw errors. Check the docs:


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