
Host backend on same server?

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17 Feb, 2024, 21:48

Hi, is there a way of hosting our backend software alongside Appwrite on a single server? We're looking to maybe put something like nginx as a reverse proxy in front, so it routes requests accordingly (so requests go to Appwrite while requests go to backend). Is this a supported setup?

You can host your backend software alongside Appwrite on the same server by using a reverse proxy like nginx. This setup will allow requests to be routed accordingly to either Appwrite or the backend software. This is a supported setup and you can refer to this link for more detailed instructions: <>
17 Feb, 2024, 21:51

Yes, a reverse proxy is typically used for that and yes, you can put Appwrite behind a reverse proxy

17 Feb, 2024, 21:51

This might be helpful if you're going to use nginx proxy manager:


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