
Updating database collections

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Web
  • Functions
16 Feb, 2024, 02:29

I am currently trying to use an appwrite function to update and overwrite the data stored in a database collection for users with but the function doesn't seem to be working or called. The data is stored as a string list. Is there something wrong with how i'm calling it?


// Updating user topics
Future<bool> updateUserTopics(String userId, List<String> topics) async {
  try {
    await databases.updateDocument(
      databaseId: '6581a7a98574997f7e84',
      collectionId: '6581a97c17588b1fb066',
      documentId: userId,
      data: {
        'Topics': topics
    print("Topics updated successfully.");
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error updating topics: $e");
    return false;
The developer is having trouble updating and overwriting data stored in a database collection using an appwrite function. They are using a string list to store the data. They are unsure if there is an issue with how they are calling the function.

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