
Appwrite is responding with `400` errors randomly for some endpoints

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15 Feb, 2024, 21:12

The issue appears to be related to mysql

[Error] Timestamp: 2024-02-15T21:07:21+00:00
[Error] Method: POST
[Error] URL: /v1/functions/:functionId/executions
[Error] Type: PDOException
[Error] Message: MySQL server has gone away
[Error] File: @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOStatementProxy.php
[Error] Line: 62
[Error] Timestamp: 2024-02-15T21:07:21+00:00
[Error] Method:
[Error] URL: /favicon.png
[Error] Type: Appwrite\Extend\Exception
[Error] Message: Execution error: Server Error
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/controllers/general.php
[Error] Line: 159
[Error] Timestamp: 2024-02-15T21:07:21+00:00
[Error] Method: POST
[Error] URL: /v1/functions/:functionId/executions
[Error] Type: PDOException
[Error] Message: MySQL server has gone away
[Error] File: @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOStatementProxy.php
[Error] Line: 62
[Error] Timestamp: 2024-02-15T21:07:21+00:00
[Error] Method:
[Error] URL: /_app/immutable/entry/app.tbqKaE35.js
[Error] Type: Appwrite\Extend\Exception
[Error] Message: Execution error: Server Error
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/controllers/general.php
[Error] Line: 159
Appwrite is randomly responding with `400` errors for some endpoints. The issue appears to be related to MySQL, with the error message "MySQL server has gone away". Restarting the stack resolves the issue.
15 Feb, 2024, 21:13

bringing the stack down and back up resolves the issue


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