
Python function symlinks

  • 0
  • Functions
13 Feb, 2024, 19:41

Can not create simple symlink for my test python function.

I am struggle from the lack of information

On the screenshot all information about my flow.

I create folder lib in the same level of my function 'test'.

then I create symlink using ln -s ....

looks like symlink is invalid, cause click on it shows me nothing and of cause it can not build and execute

May be I have some problems in requirments.txt or something?

Summary: Developer is unable to create a symlink for their test Python function and suspects there may be an issue with their requirements.txt file. Solution: The developer should check their requirements.txt file for any errors that may be causing the symlink to be invalid. They should also ensure that the symlink is pointing to the correct file or directory.

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