
Fileupload event create fires up on chunks?

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10 Feb, 2024, 21:47

buckets.bucketid.files.*.create Does the file upload event fire up on chunks??? My logic relies if the file is fully uploaded then do manipulations with it, but i see a ton of events fired up when its not even done.

Title: Fileupload event firing on chunks before completion Messages: Developers discussed checking if `chunksTotal` is equal to `chunksUploaded` to determine if the file upload is complete. They also mentioned that the payload of the event can be accessed in the event data. They recommended looking at the API response for more information. Some developers mentioned difficulties in debugging payloads and requested an example. Another developer suggested checking if it's the last chunk in the function. The original poster mentioned that the file upload event was firing on chunks before completion, particularly for larger files. Solution: It was suggested to check if the `chunksTotal` is equal to
10 Feb, 2024, 21:48

it works perfectly fine with smaller files, but i got 1mil email lists uploaded that are about 27mb in size..

10 Feb, 2024, 21:49

Yep. In the function you can check if it's the last chunk

10 Feb, 2024, 21:49

how would one do that?

10 Feb, 2024, 21:49

Look at the event data

10 Feb, 2024, 21:49

can you point me to an example if you know one ?

10 Feb, 2024, 21:50

The payload of the event is always in the event data. If you're creating an account, you get the user. If you're creating a document, you get the document. If you're creating a file, you get the file

10 Feb, 2024, 21:51

man i wish it was more easy to debug payloads here

10 Feb, 2024, 21:51
10 Feb, 2024, 21:53

const { $createdAt, $updatedAt, $permissions, signature, chunksTotal, chunksUploaded } = body;

10 Feb, 2024, 21:53

i guess we check if chunksTotal == chunksUploaded

10 Feb, 2024, 21:54

Thanks @Steven will look in to that


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