
Auth errors while appending content to the database

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
10 Feb, 2024, 11:23

So I am making a project management demo app for my portfolio. I am using appwrite auth, database. I have set up an auth component as authorization.tsx and a database component as database.tsx which act as a context provider for any other component to extract and use their functions. The comment feature on my webapp faces some errors in the console and the main error being the 401 unauthorised error. NOTE:- the user can successfully login from the /login route but here it faces some issues. And when the user clicks on 'continue' another error pops up. Below is the image of those errors. The first error shows up while the initial loading of the page and the second error shows up when you try to push your code to the main DB. Here is the link for my repo

Developers are experiencing authorization errors while trying to append content to the database in their project management demo app. The current user is not authorized, as shown in the appwrite console. The app uses appwrite auth and database. The errors occur during the initial loading of the page and when pushing code to the main database. The user can successfully log in from the "/login" route, but the issues arise after that. You can find the repository link for the project here: []( Solution: Check the permissions for
10 Feb, 2024, 11:28

Check permissions, it says the current user is not authorised

10 Feb, 2024, 11:47

Where to check for permissions ?

10 Feb, 2024, 11:52

On appwrite console


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