
How to upload a File object using the NodeJS SDK ? (Not Blob, Buffer...)

  • 0
  • Storage
7 Feb, 2024, 15:46

The docs point towards using one of the sdk methods InputFile.fromPath(), InputFile.fromBuffer() etc... in case you're on the server side.

But I want to upload directly a File object, I tried this but obviously it's not working because File is not an assignable parameter given the InputFile method.

const FILE = formData.get('dataModel');
if (FILE instanceof File) {
    const promise = storage.createFile(BUCKET_ID, FILE_ID, FILE);

The file I am dealing with is a File object likes this one:

File {
  size: 75621,
  type: 'application/json',
  name: 'xquad-ca_predictions.json',
  lastModified: 1707319609241

Docs source:

Developers are trying to upload a File object using the NodeJS SDK in Appwrite. The documentation suggests using methods like `InputFile.fromPath()` or `InputFile.fromBuffer()`, but the developer wants to upload the File object directly. They tried passing the File object to the `createFile` method, but it didn't work because the File object is not an assignable parameter for the InputFile method. Solution: Unfortunately, the NodeJS SDK does not currently support uploading File objects directly. You will need to convert the File object into a Blob or Buffer before uploading it using the SDK methods mentioned in the documentation.

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