
User Data Encryption

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31 Jan, 2024, 20:47

Hi, i want to store some financial data (very sensitive data) for a project of me. I maybe want to let my friends also use my project. Is there an easy way to store their data encrypted on my appwrite instance without any way that i can decrypt it? Or is something like this planned?

Subject: Data Encryption for Project with Multiple Users Message: Hello developers, I have a project where I need to store sensitive financial data. I also want to allow my friends to use the project. Is there a method to store their data encrypted on my appwrite instance without any way for me to decrypt it? If not, is there a plan to implement such a feature in the future? Solution: Currently, Appwrite does not offer a built-in feature to encrypt user data without the ability for developers to decrypt it. However, you can implement your own encryption methods to secure the data before storing it in the Appwrite instance. This

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