
What is a “Platform” for?

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  • Web
26 Jan, 2024, 15:27

I don’t understand why I would need to create a Platform on appwrite.

Is a Platform a server side concept? I see you can create an API key for it and since API keys should be used serve side since they would be exposed in a react app.

When would I need to use a Platform.

Would it be possible to explain it in a todo app example?

If you want to create a todo list you need to sign up and sign in.

Developers in a support thread are discussing the concept of a "Platform" in relation to a CORS error on their Vercel app. The developers are unsure why creating a Platform is necessary and what its purpose is. Another developer explains that adding a Platform is necessary to ensure that only specified frontend applications can communicate with the Project for security reasons. They provide an example of adding a web Platform with the hostname of the todo app to allow it to communicate with the Appwrite instance. Finally, they explain that in order to create a todo list, signing up and signing in is required.
26 Jan, 2024, 15:31

If you want your todo application to be able to talk to your appwrite instance you'll need to add it as a platform.

So for example, if you have, you'll want to add a web platform with the hostname of

26 Jan, 2024, 15:35

Basically, it’s for security - only frontend applications specified as a Platform can talk to your Project

26 Jan, 2024, 15:45

and API keys are used with server SDK.

26 Jan, 2024, 15:48

but i just now did this quickstart and didnt create a platform and was able to create an account and all that

26 Jan, 2024, 15:51

So you didn't do step one in the quick start?

26 Jan, 2024, 15:52

Are you on localhost? I believe localhost works without a Platform

26 Jan, 2024, 15:54

ill run my app on vercel and see if it breaks

26 Jan, 2024, 15:59

ok so my vercel app got hit a CORS error

26 Jan, 2024, 15:59

so cool


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