
Relation attribute name

  • 1
  • Databases
  • General
26 Jan, 2024, 11:51

Is it possible to set a custom name to the relation attribute when getting a list of documents?

Here boardId is an object, but in the cloud, it contains just a string which is ID of a board.

As I'm using TS, it would be easy to manage if there is a possible way to change the name when fetching documents: like

  boardId: "asd9e12hdasde12",
  board: {
      $id: "a1h23bjhb1",
      name: "BoardName"
Is there a way to set a custom name for the relation attribute when getting a list of documents? In the example provided, `boardId` is an object but in the cloud, it only contains a string which is the board ID. Solution: It would be helpful if there was a way to change the name when fetching documents, such as: ``` { boardId: "asd9e12hdasde12", board: { $id: "a1h23bjhb1", name: "BoardName" } } ```

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