I keep getting "Rate limit for the current endpoint has been exceeded." while developing...
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I'm trying to write Auth code in my sveltekit app and keep on getting " Rate limit for the current endpoint has been exceeded. Please try again after some time." and I need to wait 1 hour to continue developing. This is really fustrating and time consuming. Is there way to "unblock" rate limits for dev websites? (I'm doing it in localhost).
Hi @Rond you can't edit/change Rate limit for Appwrite Cloud, I recommend using Appwrite locally on your machine using Docker, that's where you can edit rate limit as well as it's better for working in development enviroment. once your project is ready you can change the Appwrite config in your project to Appwrite cloud.
Thanks Kamal. Never used Docker before, is there a tutorial specifically for Appwrite?
this might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOqT7yczlj4
@Rond video is bit older but steps are same, so make sure keep the latest Appwrite docs handy: https://appwrite.io/docs/advanced/self-hosting#install-with-docker
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