
error 400 on access request (bad request)

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  • Databases
  • Cloud
23 Jan, 2024, 03:04

So when using a GET request, its throwing the following error {"message":"Server Error","code":500,"type":"general_unknown","version":"0.12.46"} I have no errors showing on my workspace, and im rather confused as to what is causing this.

it throws a AppwriteException: Invalid query: attribute not found in schema on the web console, but that is after the 400(bad request) log

Title: "Error 400 (Bad Request) and Error 500 (Server Error) on API Access Requests" Developer encountered error 400 (bad request) and error 500 (server error) on API access requests to the Appwrite platform. The error message "The requested route was not found" accompanied the 400 error. The developer also received an "AppwriteException: Invalid query: attribute not found in schema" error on the web console. Possible Solution: - Review the API documentation to ensure the correct routes and parameters are being used. - Check if the requested route exists in the API. - Verify the schema and attributes
23 Jan, 2024, 03:20

So I tried something. throws {"message":"The requested route was not found. Please refer to the API docs and try again.","code":404,"type":"general_route_not_found","version":"0.12.46"}

not sure if its related


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