

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
Mosh Ontong
17 Jan, 2024, 23:28

I run my function through domain and console but still received this kind of error

My function code:

// This is your Appwrite function
// It's executed each time we get a request
export default async ({ req, res, log, error }: any) => {
  // Why not try the Appwrite SDK?
  const headers = req.headers;
  // const client = new Client()
  //   .setEndpoint("")
  //   .setProject(Bun.env["APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID"])
  //   .setKey(headers["DDC_SECRET_KEY"]);

  // const databases = new Databases(client);

  // // The `req` object contains the request data
  // if (req.method === "GET") {
  //   const response = await databases.getDocument(
  //     "65a389d70bee25715a29",
  //     "65a85181f26b3b9f9232",
  //     headers["taramed-patient-id"]
  //   );

  //   return res.json({
  //     patientInfo: {
  //       firstName: response["firstName"],
  //       lastName: response["lastName"],
  //       dateOfBirth: response["dateOfBirth"],
  //       gender: response["gender"],
  //       address: response["address"],
  //       weight: response["weight"],
  //       weightUnit: response["weightUnit"],
  //     },
  //     vitalSigns: {
  //       heartRate: response["heartRate"],
  //       bloodPressure: response["bloodPressure"],
  //       respiratoryRate: response["respiratoryRate"],
  //       temperature: response["bodyTemperature"],
  //     },
  //   });
  // }

  // `res.json()` is a handy helper for sending JSON
  return res.json({
    motto: "Build like a team of hundreds_",
    learn: "",
    connect: "",
    getInspired: "",
The developer received an error when running their function through a domain and console. They shared their function code which includes commented out sections. They were trying to use the Appwrite SDK and make a GET request to retrieve data from a database, but the code is currently commented out. In the end, they are returning a JSON response with some key-value pairs. There is no solution mentioned in the thread.
Mosh Ontong
17 Jan, 2024, 23:32


18 Jan, 2024, 00:44

What happened?


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