
Storing sensor data in DB

  • 0
  • Databases
8 Jan, 2024, 21:59

I have a solar monitor device that emits 10 parameters per minute, in Json format. What is the right way to store the data in DB:

  • shall all minute entry be a separate document,
  • or to keep all data from one device in one document,
  • or to have multiple time-limited (daily, monthly) documents for one device?
  • shall have separate collection for each device? What is a reasonable number of collections and documents to deal with?
The user wants to know the best way to store sensor data in a database. They have a solar monitor device that emits 10 parameters per minute in JSON format. They are asking whether each minute's data should be a separate document or if all data from one device should be in one document. They also want to know if they should have time-limited documents or separate collections for each device. They are also seeking guidance on the reasonable number of collections and documents to handle.
10 Jan, 2024, 02:19

Single vs multiple documents per data point is up to you depending on how you'll be using the data.

I typically create a collection per data type and void having multiple collections with the same schema

10 Jan, 2024, 02:22

A collection should be able to handle billions of documents. Under the hood, a collection is a mariadb table so refer to the limitations there:


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