
Password max size?

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5 Jan, 2024, 16:40

What is max size of password in appwrite auth.

The max size of a password for Appwrite authentication is not explicitly mentioned in the documentation, but there is a GitHub pull request (PR) that may provide more information. The PR can be found at As for the max length of a password in Appwrite Cloud, it is currently not 256 characters. There is no specific limit mentioned, so it is safe to assume that there is no enforced limit for password length in the cloud.
5 Jan, 2024, 16:45

I didn't find it in the docs, but I did find this PR.

9 Jan, 2024, 09:41

okay, but will it be 256 in appwrite cloud ?

9 Jan, 2024, 14:12

nope . Not right now. So the max password length should be greater than 256 for now

9 Jan, 2024, 15:44

I just want to know what’s max length of password in cloud

9 Jan, 2024, 15:44

Or there is no limit?


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