
[SOLVED] Unable to submit the cartItems to my Database collection.

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  • Databases
  • Functions
  • Web
5 Jan, 2024, 15:54

Hello, I have a function that allows logined-in user add items to cart, on add-to-cart click I want the Items to be submitted to the database collection I created. Ihis errors keeps coming up when I clicked on add-to-cart button.

Snip Error from the console: Add-To-Cart funtion: Function that create userItems in my Collection:

Error resolved. The user was experiencing an issue with submitting cart items to a database collection. The issue was caused by missing parameters in the create document function. The solution was to ensure that all four parameters, including the database ID, collection ID, document ID, and data, were properly passed to the function. The correct format for the function was provided as an example in the support thread.
5 Jan, 2024, 16:16

const promise = databases.createDocument('[DATABASE_ID]', '[COLLECTION_ID]', '[DOCUMENT_ID]', [DATA]);

Your create document function should be formatted like above. You're missing a parameter.

5 Jan, 2024, 16:58

From the createUserItems function it shows I declared all the four params

5 Jan, 2024, 16:59

This is what i was looking at

5 Jan, 2024, 17:00

Since to me, this seems to be the function that is throwing the error for no data.

5 Jan, 2024, 17:39

Thank you Kenny error resolved. I noticed I was not passing databaseId, documentId to my try block.

5 Jan, 2024, 17:40

[SOLVED] Unable to submit the cartItems to my Database collection.


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