
[SOLVED] how to get all documents and remove 25 docs limit

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
5 Jan, 2024, 09:37

how to get all documents and remove 25 docs limit using client sdk in flutter.

Title: [SOLVED] Getting all documents and removing the 25 documents limit Solution: In this scenario, using a cloud function or server SDKs is not recommended due to timeout limits. Instead, implement pagination in your front-end app to load fewer documents at a time, improving performance and reducing bandwidth usage. Additionally, consider storing the calculated total amount in a separate location to display as stats on your admin dashboard. If using Appwrite Databases, you can build a loop to fetch the next set of documents until all have been retrieved.
5 Jan, 2024, 09:41

Pass, eg, Query.limit(100) to get 100 documents. The max is 5000

5 Jan, 2024, 09:41

but i don't want any limit

5 Jan, 2024, 09:41

like firestore allows to get all docs

5 Jan, 2024, 09:43

can i query all docs in cloud function using server api?

5 Jan, 2024, 09:44

Appwrite does not have that option. You could build a loop that’ll continue fetching the next, say 1000 Documents or something until there are no more left to return.

5 Jan, 2024, 09:45

My understanding is that Firestore is a very different concept to Appwrite Databases (I’ve never actually used Firebase, so I can’t speak for personal experience, here).

5 Jan, 2024, 09:45

because i need to query all to calculate the total amount from each doc and save it somewhere so i can show it as stats on admin dashboard of my app.

5 Jan, 2024, 09:46

Same limits apply to Server SDKs.

5 Jan, 2024, 09:47

in front end app i can use pagination for both performace and loading less docs means using less bandwidth unless user requests more docs.

5 Jan, 2024, 09:47

I don’t think you’d be able to do that in a Function anyway, even if you could pull more than 5000 records - it would take far to long to do - there’s no way you could do it in within the Function timeout limits.

5 Jan, 2024, 09:49

then how can handle this kind of requirement? maybe, i can create cloud function which triggers on create, update, delete docs, and adds/subtracts the amount from total amount and updates it?

5 Jan, 2024, 09:50

[SOLVED] how to get all documents and remove 25 docs limit


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