
Relationships between same collection

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  • Databases
2 Jan, 2024, 00:43

hello , i have a collection named “clients” and i want theme to have relationship between each others , how can i achieve this ? Thanks

OP wants to create relationships between documents in the same collection named "clients". Another user suggests creating a separate collection called "Friends" to store the friend relationships. OP agrees and says it's more efficient than having one attribute for "friends".
2 Jan, 2024, 00:55

When you create Attributes on your Collection, one of the type options is Relationship

2 Jan, 2024, 01:01

Thank you, but you cant do it with the same collection

2 Jan, 2024, 01:01

That’s correct. Why would you want to?

2 Jan, 2024, 11:12

its an option i need to have on@my project, imagine users can have friends , how can you add the relationship of the same collection?

2 Jan, 2024, 12:54

I see. I think the best way to do it is probably to have a separate Collection “Friends”, which would have a Document for each Friend relationship.

2 Jan, 2024, 12:55

This is more efficient anyway than having one huge Attribute (a user could potentially have thousands of “friends”)

2 Jan, 2024, 17:57

Yea you are right i just didn’t explain it well, i tried it but it didnt work with one way relationship i tried with two ways relationships with new documents « friendship » and it did work , thank you @ideclon


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