
(self host) cdn & appwrite storage

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  • Self Hosted
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  • Storage
Oren Aksakal
28 Dec, 2023, 09:29

I'm self hosting and using backblaze as storage solution, curious how can I get cloudflare cdn to work with appwrite storage for images any help is much appreciated

TL;DR: Developer wants to know how to use Cloudflare CDN with self-hosted Appwrite storage for images. Looking for help and guidance. Solution: It should work automatically when you configure your domain with Cloudflare and host Appwrite. If you're having issues, try setting up a cache rule for public files.
28 Dec, 2023, 17:15

It should just work, I would expect? Are you having issues?

Oren Aksakal
28 Dec, 2023, 17:38

you mean when I just configure my domain over cloudflare and host appwrite, I would get cdn automatically for bucket urls / images?

28 Dec, 2023, 17:41

Should do

28 Dec, 2023, 20:09

You will need to setup a cache rule for that

28 Dec, 2023, 20:10

Also, only do that if files will be available for everyone

28 Dec, 2023, 20:10

Or just cache public files


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