Hello! I am trying to make a relation ship with students, parents, and class. Students can contain 1 parent while parents can contain many students. Same with classes. However, when trying to link those relationships using document IDs it does not work. Please help....
Here is the code:
import { appwriteDatabases,appwriteUser } from "$lib/appwrite";
import { DB_ID,COLLECTION } from "$lib/ids";
import { Query,ID } from "appwrite";
let uuid = '';
let parentDBID = '';
let children = [] as any[];
let newChildName = '';
let newChildClass = '';
async function addChild() {
await appwriteDatabases.createDocument(DB_ID,COLLECTION.Students,ID.unique(),
// remove the space at the end
).then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
async function getChildren() {
appwriteUser.get().then((res) => {
uuid = res['$id'];
console.log('UUID '+uuid);
appwriteDatabases.listDocuments(DB_ID,COLLECTION.Parents,[Query.equal('uid',[uuid])]).then((res) => {
parentDBID = res.documents[0]['$id'];
children = res.documents[0]['students'];
}).catch((err) => {
}).catch((err) => {
NOTE: The variable newChildClass is a DB id... please help!
On the console it shows n/a. There are 0 errors....
@Steven can u help please?
Please don't tag people as it can be very disruptive. Just post and wait
what's it say if you look at the JSON for the document?
It does not show
this is it pretty much
nothing about the relations
what are the permissions on the related collections?
its the same for all 3 collections
If a student can only have 1 parent, why are you passing an array?
I thought the square brackets were required....
it works tyms!
[SOLVED] Need help with relationships
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