
Document with the requested ID already exists.

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  • Self Hosted
  • Databases
25 Dec, 2023, 11:20

Hey, I'm running on version 1.4.9, and when trying to edit a document from the console I'm getting this error: Document with the requested ID already exists. Try again with a different ID or use "unique()" to generate a unique ID. Any idea what might be wrong?

User is experiencing an error message when trying to edit a document in the console. The error says "Document with the requested ID already exists." They are running version 1.4.9 and want to know what might be causing this issue. Solution: The error message suggests trying again with a different ID or using "unique()" to generate a unique ID.
Mosh Ontong
25 Dec, 2023, 13:26

Hi, does your collection has relationship attributes?

25 Dec, 2023, 19:17

Hey, I found that post as well, there isn't any relationaship on the collection - it's the only collection on the db

25 Dec, 2023, 19:51

Do you have a unique index?

26 Dec, 2023, 07:08

Yea, I do have unique index on one of the attributes

26 Dec, 2023, 07:12

then that might be the problem

26 Dec, 2023, 07:16

will it help if I delete it?

26 Dec, 2023, 07:17

worked! thanks!


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