
Error signing up user using web sdk. Error target is Missing required parameter: "phone"

  • 0
  • Users
  • Accounts
  • Web
25 Dec, 2023, 10:47

Hello, I am using the attached code to signup user on the web using the appwrite web sdk. I noticed whenever a user signup the user data get submitted to my appwrite cloud dashboard, but afterwards a console error do appear which is "Error signing up: AppwriteException: Missing required parameter: "phone" . See attached screenshot for reference.

The user is experiencing an error when signing up a user using the web sdk. The error message states that the "phone" parameter is missing. The user also mentions an issue with resetting all passwords to "newpassword" for every user. A possible solution could be to make sure the "phone" parameter is included in the `account.create()` function, as well as checking the `updatePhone()` and `updatePassword()` functions for any errors with the parameters.
25 Dec, 2023, 17:43

First thing I notice here is your call to account.create() - the fourth parameter should be name, and there’s no phone parameter

25 Dec, 2023, 17:45

Then, in the updatePhone() and updatePassword() functions, there should be only two parameters - neither function takes the userID as a parameter

25 Dec, 2023, 17:46

And why are you resetting all passwords to “newpassword” for every user, right after they’ve set their own anyway?


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