
Invalid `documentId` param: UID must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and un

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Self Hosted
23 Dec, 2023, 18:27

in Flutter App i have a class, let's call it the car class.

i create a new Car:

Car( id: ID.unique(), created: true, )

and on other place there is a function which is called: if car.created == true:

...databases.createDocument( databaseId: ENV.APPWRITE_DB, collectionId: ENV.CAR_COLLECTION, documentId:, data: car.toAppwrite(), );

my problem is: i get this error in return:

AppwriteException: general_argument_invalid, Invalid documentId param: UID must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore. Can't start with a leading underscore (400)<…>

would be great for any solutions and explanations of the reason.

The user is experiencing an error with an invalid `documentId` parameter. The `documentId` must be at most 36 characters and can only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscores. It cannot start with a leading underscore. The error occurred when trying to update a document using the `updateDocument` endpoint with a PATCH method. The status code returned was 400. The user is asking for a solution and an explanation of the reason.
Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:04

What does your car ID look like ?

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:05

Would help if you print the value of before you make the call to createDocument()

23 Dec, 2023, 19:27

i get: "unique()" in return

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:27

are you able to open your app on the browser and inspect the network request?

23 Dec, 2023, 19:29

hm, i can try to check it with the dev tools

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:29

yea that would be helpful 👍

23 Dec, 2023, 19:37

request uri: method: PATCH status: 400

request: {"data":{"title":"test2"}}

response: {"message":"Invalid documentId param: UID must contain at most 36 chars. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore. Can't start with a leading underscore","code":400,"type":"general_argument_invalid","version":"1.4.13"}

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:39

You;re hitting the updateDocument endpoint as indicated by the PATCH method

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:39

so you're trying to update a document with id unique() which does not exist

23 Dec, 2023, 19:40

lol you right

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:41

Hope that solves the problem ?

23 Dec, 2023, 19:41

yes, thank you very much

Christy Jacob
23 Dec, 2023, 19:41

No worries 👌


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